Facilitator Training

Train to become a professional healer

The powers you carry within you are greater than the mind can comprehend. With Star Magic Facilitator Training, you will unleash your true potential and learn how to focus your powers towards healing, transformation and manifestation.
Whether you’re a complete beginner or a professional healer, the training will take you to the next level.
To view training prices, please see the upcoming training calendar.

Why is Star Magic the most powerful transformational tool?

Star Magic merges the science of subtle energy and quantum physics with the incredible power of active imagination and focused intent to produce physical and verifiable effects. Expand your skill sets in conscious living and be the change you want to see in this world. All methods of Star Magic are easily accessible and provide for instantaneous and life-long changes in all aspects of reality. Star Magic Healing really is the ultimate healing gift and the number one ascension tool.

Why is Star Magic the most powerful transformational tool?

Star Magic merges the science of subtle energy and quantum physics with the incredible power of active imagination and focused intent to produce physical and verifiable effects. Expand your skill sets in conscious living and be the change you want to see in this world. All methods of Star Magic are easily accessible and provide for instantaneous and life-long changes in all aspects of reality. Star Magic Healing really is the ultimate healing gift and the number one ascension tool.

Download the course prospectus

  • Discover the most potent and in-depth healing modality on this planet.
  • Harness your powers and tap into higher frequencies to heal and transform.
  • Start healing at a distance from Day 1 of the training, even if you’re a beginner.
  • Learn why healers from all modalities invest in Star Magic to upgrade their skills.
  • Gain world-class qualifications for a rewarding, flexible career on your terms.

Progressive Facilitator Training Pathways

Star Magic Nest Training

This 4-week, phase I training, known as the NEST, is to offer souls like YOU the opportunity to learn the basic Star Magic protocols. This is psychic development Star Magic style. YOU will be able to utilise these basic tools in your life and this structured approach will enable any human being to learn the basics. This training will also prepare you for the full 5-day Level I Training, so that when you attend level l, you can hit the ground running. If you take The NEST Training and not attend our Level I Training that is okay too.

Star Magic Facilitator Training Level 1

There is a deep science behind the structure of this training, keeping in mind how humans from all walks of life learn. During this 5-day training (plus 2 bonus days), both beginners and veteran practitioners get the best learning experience as they train together seamlessly! You will remember how to interact with high vibratory fields of intelligence, and your awareness will strengthen as your read the information contained within the universal database. Each day builds upon the previous, layering new knowledge and advanced healing tools to help you grow into a Star Magic Facilitator.

Star Magic Facilitator Training Level 2

Facilitator Training Level 2 requires you to first complete Level 1 Training. It consists of two very important components: Multidimensional Light Body Activation and Planetary Grid Work. During this 5-day training (plus 2 bonus days), you will be taken on an incredible journey that will activate your Multidimensional Architecture, upgrade your knowledge on what Planetary Grid Work is, and then you will be taken on live missions to put your new skill set to the test.

Star Magic Facilitator Training Level 3

This 7-day workshop is for Star Magic Facilitators who have completed Levels 1 and 2.You will go on a self-discovery journey and understand yourself at a level we guarantee you never knew existed. By the end of the training, you will know exactly how to take a group of souls safely through meditations, a Group Activation and how to take a group of souls safely through a portal and back home again. These tools will be with you for life and you can use them to assist many souls in their Earthly Ascension Process.

When is the next Facilitator Training?

To discover when our next Facilitator Training course is and book your place, you can visit our events calendar

Why is Star Magic Training the best career choice?

Healing is one of the largest growing billion-dollar industries in the world. The demand for professional healers has never been higher in the post Covid world, as more people want to experience the many benefits. Star Magic will give you the opportunity to rewrite your life and the lives of people you connect with. It’s a journey supporting basic, intermediate and advanced energy healing abilities. Star Magic is more than just a healing modality. It’s a lifestyle. Thousands of people in more than 40 countries have adopted this way of healing and life.

Change your life, and the lives of others

This is your opportunity to re-write your life and the lives of people you connect with. Jerry Sargeant has trained thousands of people to be Star Magic Facilitators and they have gone out into the world changing lives everywhere. Regardless of your background, you have the potential to be a Star Magic Facilitator. You can help people live better lives, turning your passion into a business. There are incredible Star Magic Facilitators ranging from 25 to 65+. Star Magic is a powerful energy that is flooding the world with a tsunami of love and creating tangible, positive change.

Change your life, and the lives of others

This is your opportunity to re-write your life and the lives of people you connect with. Jerry Sargeant has trained thousands of people to be Star Magic Facilitators and they have gone out into the world changing lives everywhere. Regardless of your background, you have the potential to be a Star Magic Facilitator. You can help people live better lives, turning your passion into a business. There are incredible Star Magic Facilitators ranging from 25 to 65+. Star Magic is a powerful energy that is flooding the world with a tsunami of love and creating tangible, positive change.

Mark’s Metastasis Prostate Cancer Gone

“I had Metastatic prostate cancer In all my bones. And I was in a wheelchair – almost bound to a wheelchair.
If Jerry didn’t help me get my head on right, and tell me what I have to do, and how tough I’d have to get.. I don’t know that I’d be where I am today. I might not even be here.”
~ Mark

Star Magic Training could be the best decision you will ever make

  • Discover the most potent and in-depth healing modality on this planet.
  • Harness your powers and tap into higher frequencies to heal and transform.
  • Start healing at a distance from Day 1 of the training, even if you’re a beginner.
  • Learn why healers from all modalities invest in Star Magic to upgrade their skills.
  • Gain world-class qualifications for a rewarding, flexible career on your terms.

About Jerry Sargeant

Jerry Sargeant, widely known as ‘The Facilitator’, is an acclaimed global Trainer for Healing Facilitators of all levels, author and a renowned Frequency Healer celebrated for his extraordinary abilities. Through the creation of Star Magic Healing, an unparalleled holistic approach that merges subtle energy, frequency, quantum physics, visualization and intention, Jerry has become a catalyst for transformation on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. He has facilitated the dissolution of tumours, cysts, fibromyalgia, chronic illnesses, broken bones and broken hearts. His work has supercharged businesses to help them achieve massive success.
Jerry’s mission transcends borders and touches the lives of countless individuals. His profound healing techniques, straightforward guidance, and unyielding devotion to empowering others propel him on a journey to create a world where every individual embraces their inherent power and shapes their destiny.
Jerry knows the key to transformation is unconditional love, and he delivers this message in a unique down-to-earth style that everyone can grasp, internalise and use to create unprecedented change in their own lives and the lives of others.

About Jerry Sargeant

Jerry Sargeant, widely known as ‘The Facilitator’, is an acclaimed global Trainer for Healing Facilitators of all levels, author and a renowned Frequency Healer celebrated for his extraordinary abilities. Through the creation of Star Magic Healing, an unparalleled holistic approach that merges subtle energy, frequency, quantum physics, visualization and intention, Jerry has become a catalyst for transformation on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. He has facilitated the dissolution of tumours, cysts, fibromyalgia, chronic illnesses, broken bones and broken hearts. His work has supercharged businesses to help them achieve massive success.
Jerry’s mission transcends borders and touches the lives of countless individuals. His profound healing techniques, straightforward guidance, and unyielding devotion to empowering others propel him on a journey to create a world where every individual embraces their inherent power and shapes their destiny.
Jerry knows the key to transformation is unconditional love, and he delivers this message in a unique down-to-earth style that everyone can grasp, internalise and use to create unprecedented change in their own lives and the lives of others.

Can anyone become a successful Star Magic Facilitator?

Jerry and thousands of Star Magic Facilitators say YES!

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced healer, you can use Star Magic to elevate your skills.
View some of the testimonials from our facilitators.

Jean’s life changing experience

I just finished my level one star magic training… There’s no words to describe the experience, it was life-changing. And it just kind of blows my mind. It’s about love and it’s about beauty. And it’s about being Here, not just us as humans, but for the whole planet… I just melted into that honesty, and it’s true, it’s all true. You heal yourself and it’s beautiful.
~ Jean Young

“l learned how easy it is to heal others at distance, by using Holograms, Intention, Codes and Playfulness. Jerry has this unique gift that helps bring these important elements out of anyone inquisitive enough to sign up!”
~ Mary Hunt

“I did Star Magic Facilitator Training Level 1. It has really assisted me in understanding how energies flow in the body and the invisible/quantum world. When I’m working with other people on their healing, I find Star Magic to be very efficient and effective. Jerry gives plenty of support and training backup, which is very helpful. Jerry never stops giving and is a star himself. If you’re contemplating this training, I would not hesitate if I were you. A great investment.”
~ Timothy Ollerenshaw

“Since taking Facilitator Training and consistently listening to Star Magic
Meditations, I absolutely turned my business around! I was at the point of losing it all! I started the meditations. Honest to god that year my revenues were $1.2 million, and every year since I’ve consistently made over a million in revenues. I now know how to vibrate and flow in the frequency of abundance. Thank you!”
~ Libby Siebold

Can you use Star Magic with other healing modalities?

Star Magic blends effortlessly with other healing modalities such as body massage, chiropractic work, acupuncture, and techniques such as Quantum-Touch®, Reiki, Reconnective Healing® and Bio-Energy Healing. Life coaches and health practitioners obtain quick, observable results.
Once trained, you will learn how to create perfect healing environments using light patterns. By learning how to connect with the Universal Database, you will know how to change ingrained habits, shift awareness, and forge powerful intent quickly, efficiently and effectively.

Your first step – our Introductary online course

Begin your journey with our superb value introductary video course. Understand why you are here on Earth and that this divine plan is unique in its multifaceted perfection. Jerry will explain why and how you will unleash your own Super-Human. He will facilitate the downloading of some specific high-dimensional light codes that will super-charge your healing abilities. A number of extremely powerful and easily applicable healing techniques will be shared, and you will be able to use them immediately to heal yourself and others.

What kind of support can you expect after completing Facilitator Training?

Star Magic provides lifetime support!

The Private Facilitator Training Group

This group is available for you 24/7 where you are lovingly supported by your community. It is a fun place to continue to learn, love and ascend with the global Star Magic Facilitator Community. When needed, the community often comes together to do group healings for a specific person or situation.

Monthly online meetings

Jerry hosts a monthly support meeting for facilitators, diving deep and lovingly answering your questions. He provides guidance on any subject including healing, ascension, new healing codes, clients and case studies you’ve been working on.

Infinity membership

Star Magic Facilitators can also join Infinity to connect with our incredible community and have 24/7 access to this ultimate ascension toolkit. Hundreds of frequency-encoded meditations, light language transmissions, Cosmic Yoga videos, high-vibrational nutrition plans, free masterclasses and more serve as a constant support system for your healing and ascension journey.

“Jerry is a phenomenal facilitator! At all times he is fully present, loving and most
importantly, he creates a (spiritual, physical, mental and emotional) safe space to explore deeper aspects of your soul. He approaches every person and question with integrity,
kindness and wisdom.

Overall, it is a gift to be in a room with Jerry and the Star Magic Tribe. For me he is an invitation to stretch myself in ways I didn’t know I could. If you are considering this
training, then be aware that your life is about to change 100%.”
~ Manjit Khalsa

Level 1 Training It was the best thing I could have done. It opened me up to the infinite possibilities within me, expanded my awareness and perceptions.

The experience brought me up to the place I had always wanted to be, with my heart and mind connected and in coherence, grounded, free and open to my full potential! I am now on my chosen healing path.
~ John Theobald

“I’ve been to many healing trainings and come away with a few techniques and they very rarely work. Jerry takes you on a journey of self-empowerment, he provides you with a whole arsenal of healing tools and shows you how to use them. He shows you how to access the quantum world and become comfortable with it in and easy, down to Earth style that everyone can understand. He has taken something that is way out there and made it accessible for everyone. Its transformed my life.”
~ Kim Humphries

“I was searching for someone who could talk to me and enhance my gifts and help shape me & show me how to use my potential and be the best I can be. Star Magic FT1 came up out of the blue and I knew I had to be there.

This is what I came to this Planet to do. I just needed the right training to bring out my gifts. I was loved, listened to, and guided by Jerry and his team during the training and still am up until this day. To sum it up I’ve never looked back & am still as excited as I was that first day to be part of Star Magic Healing.”
~ Michele Pyne

It exceeded all my expectations

“I came to Jerry’s course to find a new way of healing… I wanted some new tools. The course was fantastic… mind-blowing! I learnt a lot… dedicated myself to help humanity and raising consciousness, and share the love. Jerry just showed a way that we can work… Truly from the heart, we can share the love, we are one, we are all connected… everything is possible. I highly recommend to every healer, to do the course… And the good thing is, it is lots of fun!”
~ Bea, Hungary

Facilitator Training FAQ’s

Please click here for events and prices.

It varies: depends on the venue and whether the Training is online.

If cash is your only option please email us support@starmagichealing.org and we will let you know if we can accept cash for the event you are interested in,

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